Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Down and out and out and out

So, i've been feeling really stressed out and bummed out and sad lately. I know this is about the thing about my old job but i'm not gonna mention it here since it won't matter and it would still be my fault even if i feel like its not entirely my fault.

Why is it that my brain doesn't stop overanalyzing things. Like it turns things over and over and over like it would present a solution when it gets turned over and over and over inside my head, when most of the time, it doesn't. Come on brain, you've done this hundreds and millions of times before, get over the turning over and over of problems cause you know there is no easy solution, solutions always are hard. They are mind boggling and stressed outing (ok not a word, but still) and all together tiring. But yeah, i have to do this solution thing, cause otherwise, i will always be haunted and stressed out.

Any ideas on blocking out things and just be peaceful inside thy head and brain...ok stop it brain, there you go again.